Public Sector
Proactive Engagement and Enhanced Service Delivery at Lower Cost
It’s no longer a one-way communication, but a multi-participant dialogue across a broad range of communications channels, while trying to meet ever-increasing expectations. Public sector organizations can greatly benefit from adopting cutting-edge contact center solutions in this regard.
Proactive versus Reactive Citizen Engagement
Public Sector organizations are looking to improve the delivery of constituent services while driving efficiency and effectiveness. Increasingly, the best way to accomplish this is to the focus on optimizing the overall experience by becoming more digitally mature. Today’s enlightened Public Sector organizations understand that they are actually part of the service industry and as a result, they need to look to Service Industry leaders and copy their successful initiatives. Focusing on the right technology helps the contact center to deliver on better Citizen Experiences. Proactive as well as two-way communications ensure that citizens receive timely information and always have access to the latest information from a credible source, on the communication channel they prefer.
Digital Communications and Collaboration. Focus on Delivering it Now, to Build a Better Future
At the same time, Public Sector organizations are increasingly under pressure to reduce costs while accelerating these initiatives.
Public sector organizations, like many other sectors, often face limitations in their ability to adapt due to legacy systems, inflexible proprietary technologies, and reliance on manual processes. Union requirements can also impede evolution. Additionally, they must focus on data protection and security to meet ever-increasing privacy regulations.
Yet, as more flexible technologies are coupled with traditional core systems, innovation can more easily be driven across the institution’s infrastructure. Leveraging their core systems while complementing them with more adaptable digital communication capabilities will empower Public Sector organizations to keep pace with public demands and to be more responsive to all stakeholders.

Capex Limitations versus Opex Flexibility
Public Sector communications and collaboration requirements have always been dynamic. It’s just been difficult to justify adding more technology when cost are an impediment. Yet, new digital and cloud-based technologies can help reduce the need for capital budgets, reduce maintenance and upgrade expenses and ensure there are no surprises with product obsolescence, upgrade issues and downtime, system failures, or major outages. As an added benefit, business continuity capabilities are embedded in cloud-based services, which ensures that public sector organizations can communicate whenever they need to, regardless of the situation at hand.
Public Sector organizations that continuously look forward will be able to establish and maintain higher levels of responsiveness, improve communications and collaboration – both internally and with citizens – while benefiting from the increased flexibility that digital technology provides them. It’s a win for all.
Use Cases
Meeting Internal and External Needs at Public Sector Organizations
Use Case
Implement a Hybrid Working Environment Blending Remote Employees and Office Staff
Solution Set
Applied Solutions
Contact Center as a Service, Microsoft Teams used for public sector institution communications and collaboration. Calls recorded by QMS for employee supervision, coaching and training. All call records retained/indexed for quality assurance and in case of threats or other follow-ups. SmartQuality used to standardize staff evaluations, eliminate bias and ensure consistent performance ratings respecting all union conventions and agreements. 100% of calls can be evaluated for complete staff rating, regardless of call flows.
Use Case
Emergency Communications across Multiple Channels, respecting Accessibility obligations
Solution Set
Applied Solution
Enghouse Connect integrated with Cloud Contact Center for coordination of communications and collaboration across all Emergency Services. Proactive Outbound Notification used to notify all relevant/impacted departments of their need to act, along with then pushing out call, text, email notifications to affected constituents regarding the emergency, including what actions they are expected to take.
Use Case
Constituents Expect that Communications are Digital - from Mobile or Website
Solution Set
Applied Solutions
Constituents are provided with a range of digital self-service options, enabling them to interact with IVRs and Chatbots to obtain the information needed to solve their issue themselves. Escalation to support staff is always available. Up to date information and guidance can be provided from the Knowledge Base in the format they prefer. Constituents can also trigger a call or digital session from the web site. AI Insights tracks their ‘customer journey’ and updates the CRM so that any changes to the info they access can be proactively notified using Outbound Notification via the digital channel they prefer.
Use Case
Compliance with Multiple Union Agreements Across Departments
Solution Set
Applied Solutions
Call Recording and Quality Management deployed to record all union staff communications. Each call scanned, analyzed and indexed for specific key words, phrases or terms. Content Analyzer reviews calls in real-time, any issues identified can trigger specific actions or notifications for immediate follow up. All relevant communications can be transcribed. As required, recordings and transcripts can be added to employee database (CRM). SmartQuality ensures all communications are evaluated for adherence to relevant norms/standards.
Voxtron Resources
Agent Empathy Playbook For the New Reality
The customer experience can be affected by many variables outside your control. Your agents can be the difference between keeping customers engaged with calm and empathy or escalating situations into conflicts. Learn how your agents can defuse tense situations.
Frost & Sullivan: Contact Center Buyer’s Guide 2020
This buyers guide examines the North American contact center market, and covers the contact center on-premise systems and hosted/cloud markets.
Listen. Understand. Act.
Artificial Intelligence can be the objective source of truth needed to improve the customer experience (CX) your organization delivers. Invest in the future now, the benefits are immediate.